Welcome to Limitless Fashion Shop. We’re so glad you’re here. We are a family-owned fashion store with a deep-rooted faith in Jesus Christ. Our mission extends beyond just offering the latest fashion trends, it’s about sharing the love, hope, and joy that comes from our faith.




Our story begins with a shared passion for fashion and strong belief in Jesus. As a family, we decided to blend these two passions into something truly unique. Limitless Fashion Shop was born out of the desire to not only provide stylish clothing and accessories but also to spread the word of Christ’s love in a unique and fashionable way.


On that same direction, we understand our fashion standards approach can be judged by others and their own legalistic ideals regarding whether a woman should wear certain fashionable clothing, which for them could be considered too tight or too short. We must remember that the real issue is our heart, our own individual response to love God and have relationship with Him. “May your beauty not be external, which consists of adornments such as ostentatious hairstyles, gold jewelry and luxurious clothing. 4 Rather, let your beauty be incorruptible, which comes from the depths of the heart and consists of a humble and peaceful spirit. This really has a lot of value before God.” (1 Peter 3:3-4)


In Corinthian culture, a woman covering her head during worship or when in public showed her submission to authority. 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 addresses the issue of women and the veil. The context of the entire passage of 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 is subjection to God’s order and “chain of command.” The “veil” over the woman’s head is used as an illustration of God’s order, direction, and authority. The key verse of this passage is 1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and man is the head of woman, and God is the head of Christ.”


The consequences of this verse are found in the rest of the passage. The order is: God the Father, God the Son, the man or husband, and the woman or wife. Corinthians suggest for wife to wear the veil over the head to show that she was under the authority of her husband, and therefore under the submission of God.


In today’s culture, we no longer see many Christians woman covering her head as a sign of submission. In most modern societies, scarves and hats are just fashion accessories.  However, it is our believe that clothing, scarves, or even a woman not cutting their hair which is also stipulated in the bible, these days is a personal choice and not something to be used to judge spirituality. What we think really matters here is our love, devotion to God.


God is much more interested in a submissive attitude and a good heart than in an outward display of submission.


First Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner that women should adorn themselves in decent clothing, modesty and modesty; not with ostentatious hairstyle, nor gold, nor pearls, nor costly clothing, but with good work, appropriate for women who profess to worship God “.


First Peter 3:3-4

3 May your beauty not be external, which consists of adornments such as ostentatious hairstyles, gold jewelry and luxurious clothing. 4 Rather, let your beauty be incorruptible, which comes from the depths of the heart and consists of a humble and peaceful spirit. This really has a lot of value before God.


Colossians 3:12

12 Clothe yourselves, therefore, as chosen by God, holy and beloved, of endearing mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience;14 And above all these things, clothe yourself with love, which is the perfect bond.


We truly believe that God’s love for us goes beyond clothing, beyond personal prejudice, beyond external display. And that is why decided to add to all our products description tab, a bible scripture. To encourage you to read the Bible with an open mind and a willingness to explore its texts within their historical, cultural, and literacy contexts. Whether you read the Bible for religious devotion, academic study, or personal growth, the experience can be intellectually and spiritually enriching.


We recognize that for some people this might not make sense or will be a seeing this approach negatively. However, we are dedicated to continually improving and aligning our actions with our faith-inspired values. We are committed to spread the word of God despite any negative comments. We want His name and His words to reach beyond the ends of the earth, while we help you feel EMPOWERED, TIMELESS, FEARLESS and LIMITLESS! & LOVED BY GOD just the way you are! Because you were perfectly created in God’s image.

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